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Focused Therapy Programs:

Anger Management

This program caters to children ages 5 – 15 years old to help them deal with difficulties in self-control, regulate their emotions and anger that is related to games addiction. This includes interactive games, role play and fun experiments.

Little Artist

This is for children who are 4 – 7 years of age and it aims to improve their drawing skills by tracing and drawing basic shapes and figures, coloring skills, and cutting skills by being able to hold and use scissors properly.

I Can Dress by Myself

This service is for kids ages 5 – 8 years old with the aim of teaching the children techniques on how to dress up in an easy way, to handle buttons and zipper, to put on socks and shoes, and to train him/her on how to tie shoelaces.

Music Therapy

This service is for kids ages 5 – 8 years old with the aim of teaching the children techniques on how to dress up in an easy way, to handle buttons and zipper, to put on socks and shoes, and to train him/her on how to tie shoelaces.

Play Therapy

This therapy, through play, provides developmentally appropriate means of expression and communication for children. Here, the toys are viewed as the child’s words and play as the child’s language. This caters to children with challenges in play skills, sensory awareness, communication, cognitive skills, self-expression, social interaction, and movement.

These focused therapy programs include 12 sessions each. Please contact us for further information regarding the focused therapy programs that we offer.